Kellyanne asked a few questions on her blog, so here's my answers:
1. How often do you exercise and what do you do for exercise?
I just started going to the gym this week. When Ethan was a baby he wanted to nurse during the early morning hours, but Marcus sleeps right through them, so I can get up and go to the PAC at 6:00 each morning. I go every weekday and I walk or jog on the treadmill. This last week I just walked, but next week I'm going to start running a little.
2. Do you make your bed everyday?
I usually get to it sometime during the day, but not always in the morning. When we sleep with a top sheet, Brian ends up untucking it and winding it around his legs and pulling it funny, so we don't use a top sheet. We just have a goose down blanket on our bed, so it's actually really easy to make it.
3. What do you do in the evening hours? TV? Blog? Read? Clean the house? ;)
Marcus likes to stay up late, but he's always tired in the evenings, so that's usually his cranky time. My evenings are spent trying to get him to sleep. Last night I went to bed at 8:30, right after putting the kids down. My sister got me interested in watching "Gray's Anatomy" online a while back, but since the writer's strike, they're just playing reruns, so I'm not doing that anymore.
4. What are you having for dinner tonight?
Either chicken and broccoli crepes or tacos. I forgot to get broccoli when I went grocery shopping, so it depends on whether or not we make it to Winco.
5. What did you have for dinner last night?
This is slightly embarrassing. Chocolate cake. We went to Costco last night, and Brian knows I love Costco cake, so he snuck one on the bottom of the cart. We didn't get home until after seven, so we just had chocolate cake for dinner. Brian was the healthy one, 'cause he had carrot sticks with his cake.
6. Who does the dishes at your house? Who takes out the garbage?
Me and Me. Stinks, huh?
7. Give me one favorite cleaning/household tip that you have learned and use regularly.
I clean everything with bleach water. Sinks, shower, bathub, etc. It works way better than other cleaners, and it's cheap too.
8. Do you pluck your eyebrows? I just recently discovered that people do this. I've never even thought about it. Do you do it?
How could you not know that people pluck their eyebrows? I do pluck, but since the disaster of October 2007, I do not shave them anymore. Just thought you all should know that.
9. How many nights of the week does your family have dessert?
We usually have an official dessert once or twice a week. Sometimes Brian and I will have ice cream after the kids go to bed. Just so Brian doesn't accuse me of lying, we usually have dessert in some form or another (cookies for afternoon snack, something for dessert after lunch) once a day. He's afraid that we're all going to get diabetes and die, but it's hard to go one day without at least a bit of chocolate.
10. What time do you wake up in the morning, and what time of day do you take a shower?
I get up at 5:45, and I usually make it to the shower around 8:30 or 9:00, after Brian's gone to school.
I'm tagging everyone who's reading this; they're fun things to know.
January 2020
5 years ago
Thanks Carrie! I'm jealous that you can still go to the PAC. I really miss that free opportunity!!
THanks for the warning about eyebrows. :) I'll be careful.
I have learned that we eat way more dessert than other people. It's time to cut back!!
I am always struck by how early you get up! And that you go exercising before the Marcus gets up. I can never do that- because I can't ever pull myself out of bed that early, for anything! and also, my breasts are always too full to go running before the babe wakes up. I have to wait until AFTER Morgan wakes up to run!!
That was a fun list. Thanks for sharing!
I didn't know about eye-brow plucking until a few years ago. Now I'm worried that I'm offending everyone with my untamed brows.
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