Friday, April 25, 2008

Oh Holy Cow (er...Night?)

Ethan and Marcus played Mommy Tag last night, and I - am - tired. I put Marcus in his crib a little while after Ethan and Alyssa fell asleep last night, and then I tackled the huge pile of laundry that's been building up in our garage. Brian studied while I folded laundry, and we ended up going to bed a little after midnight. (Very, very late for me.) A little bit after that (I don't know if I had fallen asleep yet or not) Marcus woke up, so I pulled him into bed with us. Marcus is a cuddler, and he's also a night person, so he likes to have someone to suck up to, and he does his best sleeping in the morning. If I get out of bed at night and he doesn't suck up to Brian, he wakes up, and when he wakes up, he's not happy that I (food source) am gone, so he cries and doesn't let Brian help him.

Last night Ethan woke up, so I went to lay down with him. I fell asleep in his bed and later woke up to hear Marcus crying, so I went back to our bed. Then Ethan woke up, then Marcus woke up...and I ended up going back and forth between Ethan's bed and our bed all night long. Ethan woke up again around five, and when I was laying in bed with him, I didn't wake up to Marcus's little cries, so by the time I was getting out of bed to help Marcus, Ethan was waking up too. So I ended up bringing Marcus into Ethan's bed, and Ethan was excited about that. He played with some toys for a little while, then the cat decided to join us, and he was very excited about that. It took some time, but eventually we were all asleep: Marcus on my arm, Ethan beside us, and the cat on my legs. When I got out of bed this morning, I thought the boys looked very cute, both in blue, sleeping in Ethan's bed.


Brooklet said...

I am exhausted just reading about it. Hope you get a nap today!

MannClan said...

I love those "mommy moments." Theres something incredible about little boys that unless you have had them and watched them interact together, you could not know otherwise. Oh, and just my little side note, I love the dark blue blankie wrapped lazily just so. It adds a perfect untouched look. Just adorable...shhhhh.