Monday, March 31, 2008

A Little Behind

Okay, so maybe I don't have the littlest behind in the world, but I am feeling a bit behind right now. We just got home last night after a wonderful week of Spring Vacation, and it took me quite a while to catch up with everyone's blogs. Plus, we left the house messy (I hate doing that) so I've got to catch up on cleaning while I unpack everything. Here's some pictures from Easter and such.

Ethan's journey from the bed to the chocolate bunny. He enjoyed it - he really did.

All of the kids enjoying Easter. Marcus loves his bunny!

And here they are enjoying the foam pit during open gym at the gymnastics center. Alyssa and Marian are mermaids, and Ethan is building a tower.


Kimberly Nicole said...

That looks like so much fun! You have such cute kids and cute pictures of them!

Kori said...

Looks like fun! Holidays are so much fun with kids around. I like your son's face with his chocolate bunny. Pretty funny!