Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Modest is the Hottest!

* * * Only honest opinions, please! * * *

I wear an undershirt everyday; I've almost become dependent on them. I wore them throughout my last pregnancy, and then hit a problem in trying to nurse Marcus. Undershirts are more snug, and it's really hard to hike them up in order to nurse, but I didn't want to give up wearing them. I know they have nursing tank tops available, but they aren't long enough, and the neckline certainly isn't high enough. I solved my problem by cutting a horizontal line across the front of a short sleeve crew shirt about five inches below the armpit, then I sewed some elastic across both sides of the front opening. Viola! A nursing undershirt!

It makes it so easy to nurse Marcus without my tummy hanging out, and it makes me feel better to know my garments aren't showing, either. The other day I was telling Brian how much I loved my nursing shirts (I've got white, black, and brown) and just how wonderful they are, and he said that I should consider selling them. So I went ahead and got a new shirt to make a nicer model (elastic encased in satin ribbon, no raw edges, etc.) and I think it turned out pretty nice.

So, if you were to see better pictures of this or other colored nursing shirts in, say, an etsy shop and they were priced at $25 or $30, would you buy them at that price or would you think, "Oh, I could just make that myself for cheaper"? I'm not trying to sell one right now, I'm just getting feedback on the idea.

Here it is with a pink shirt underneath to show the opening. I never thought I'd have a "chest shot" on the internet. Whoo!

And here it is inside-out to show the ribbon casing.


Anonymous said...

Well, I think that it shows a lot of talent. You sure are creative Carrie. Whether you sold a bunch or not, I think that it would be a fun experience to try to market something.

Brooklet said...

I love the idea- I too am an undershirt wearing type of girl. I think this is a fab idea, but I think for me. 25-30 bucks would be pushing it for an undershirt. I don't really like paying the $20 that I do for the shades and such. But I am kinda on the cheapside and if you wanted to charge more, I bet you could find a niche of moms who will snatch them up. How does the shirt feel that you put the edging on? Does it feel bulky there, can you see the lines when you have a shirt over it?

I am so proud of you, for both your enginuity and your chest shot on-line!

Shaillé said...

That's brilliant, what a great idea. Personally I am a cheapskate I might go try to make one since I recently discovered sewing. Of course I don't have a lot of extra time right now so maybe I would just buy one. Which would probably be the case for a lot of moms with new babies - not much extra time to do stuff like this. And there are a LOT of people out there who don't sew at all. Really cool idea! :)

Carrie said...

Thank you, Brian. I love you!

Thanks for the responses, guys. In all honesty, I wouldn't pay that much either. I would be one of the people who would say that it was too much, even if I had the money.

The hard part is finding the happy number where people are getting a good deal, but I'm getting enough money to make it worth it to sell.

Brooke- the shirt doesn't feel bulky at all, but I do have to say that the one with the edging on it is a tiny bit harder to put on, because it doesn't have as much give and stretch. As long as the shirt you're wearing over the top isn't see-through, you can't even tell that the undershirt opens. So, no lines. I have two see-throughish shirts, and when I wore one of those, I safety pinned the lower portion of the undershirt to the bottom of my bra, just to get rid of the opening.

Cali said...

Hey Carrie! BRILLIANT! I bought a nursing tank-top bra with Olivia for $40.00 because I was DESPERATE. Nursing was such a challenge for me with Collin that I needed SOMETHING to make it easier--and it worked. But, it didn't go up high enough for me, though it was plenty long. My other complaint was that it was a tank-top and bra in one, which made it obvious that I was wearing nursing pads because the material was so thin.

So, I have been wondering myself about how to make a shirt that would cover all of my desires--and here you've done it! Considering that I spent $40.00 on a tank-top, I can't really complain about $25-$30 for the shirt--although it was a tank-top and bra in one. Say you were to market them, I would probably be interested.

Way to be inventive. Would be willing to offer your sewing brilliancy to a friend?

Terra said...

I love this idea! I'm also way cheap and wouldn't pay that much...but you should still try.

Brooklet said...

Oh, and to clarify, I would much rather buy one than make one- It think the majority of people are like that.

Katie B.C. said...

Hi Carrie,

I would probably pay about $20-25 if it fit well and was comfortable. Most of the nursing shirts were incomfortable and never really got into them because they were expensive too. I wouldn't sew one myself because I still hate sewing (maybe someday that will change) but next time I decide to have a baby, maybe I'll buy one of those shirts from you!

Cam said...

you're quite talented, I think you better take this idea and run with it before someone else does! Although I agree with some of the comments since I am super cheap! I would probably just con my mom into making one for me, since I'm still waiting for that initial "desire" to sew- I'm sure it will come one day. But you never know, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be willing to spend money on something so convienent, I think I would like that more than my nursing tank tops.

5dollarFanatic said...

That is way cool- i so wear those shirts too, and wanted to wear them after pregnancy but for the nursing factor-i'm not great at sewing-but am too frugal to spend more than like $15 on an undershirt. I've heard some women wear tube tops under their regular shirts to nurse so i look for extra long ones whenever i am in a store-but its not the season yet.

Barney Family Blog said...

You are so creative Carrie. I am so impressed. I feel the same way about undershirts. I really do wear a wonder tee every single day. Even when nursing so I think that is a great idea!!!

Megan Lofgran said...

Carrie, you are so clever! Char told me about your "revelation" and I had to see it for myself. I love it! I would pay money for that.

Marie said...

All I did was Google "modest nursing tank" and I found your wonderful post. Right away I knew you were LDS too. Crazy! I have 5 children with the youngest being 2 weeks old and somehow I don't have any nursing clothes. How did I manage with the previous four kiddos?

Anyhow, I'm having the same dilemma trying to find a nursing tank or some kind of undershirt to nurse in without everyone seeing everything. I was thinking about buying tank tops and cutting vertical slits closer to the armpits that could be pulled over. I can't believe you really bought a downeastbasics shirt and then had the guts to cut into it! I have three of their tanks but can't stand the thought of ruining one of them. Your idea is great! I might try it out myself, but first I have to go buy a shirt to ruin. Ughh! Have you done any follow-up on your idea? Did you have any problems with your shirts fraying? Keep us posted please.

Unknown said...

This is once again a cool entry, i am really liking your work, keep going like this.

nursing tank

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Debra said...

Hi!! I love the idea you had!! I've been searching and searching for modest nursing tank top/ undershirt and haven't found anything I consider modest. I think what you made is wonderful!!! I will definitely be getting one!!! (or more) :)

Ginny said...

Great idea! I was racking my brain trying to figure out how to cut a wide slit in my down east basics T's, without having the fabric curl up... the elastic casing is a great solution. Did you ever end up seeking them on Etsy? Ive been combing the web (several years after this origonal post mind you) & I still can't find nursing tanks that cover both your mid-section and your chest area. Very frustrating! I think we need to petition ModBe, Shade Clothing, & Downeast, they make great modest under shirts... & have them make something like this. It would make our lives so much easier! :)