Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Have So Many Friends!

Today we got a huge packet of "Friend" magazines in our mail box. At first I thought I should give the extras to the Relief Society president to disperse, but then when I opened them I found that they are addressed to various people who live in Forest Grove. We have a "Friend" for the Hansens, the Hulets, the Despains, the Taylors, the Ames, and the Richardsons. Needless to say, we will be making some deliveries tonight.


Cam said...

that's pretty funny, you should collect a delivery fee from the post office! :)

Tonya said...

That's hilarious. I wonder why they all came to you.

Carrie said...

They were all in a bag marked "97116" so someone at the post office must have forgotten to take them out of the bag. Ours was on top, which explains why they came to us. Crazy, huh?

Kim-the-girl said...

Weird, wild stuff...

we share: said...

random... you can just bring ours to church...

Brooklet said...

Maybe this is a new fellowshipping program the church has- send all the magazine to one house so you have to get out to visit all the other people in the ward.