I love to read. Usually when I start a book, I can't put it down until I'm done. There have been days that the housework is left undone, the kids eat the easiest lunch to put together, and then they have to entertain themselves while eating it, because I'm back on the couch with my nose in the book. Then Brian comes home, everyone's hungry for dinner and I keep yelling, "I only have seven pages left, just let me finish!" But at this point, there are so many interruptions that those seven pages take a half-hour to read and by the time I get dinner going, we're all on our way to starvation.
Amazing things are always happening in books. Sometimes I wonder, "Why is So-and-So the main character? Why didn't they write the book about the girl she was sitting next to instead?" But the obvious answer is, that So-and-So is the person that experienced the exciting events to write about, and it's all made up anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
When I read a lot, I start thinking like a book. It might be a sign of insanity, but I start writing my life in my head. She dipped her hands into the sudsy water and retrieved the plate from the sink. Chopped lasagna noodles and melted cheese slowly slid off into the water. She wondered just how much of her daughter's dinner was actually consumed that evening. In my opinion, life sounds a lot more exciting than it actually is, when it's written down.
January 2020
5 years ago
I am the same way with books. Everything is on hold until I finish my book. Whenever I read a Jane Austin book, I start narrating everything like she would, and I start viewing action introspectively like her characters. Its the only time my vocabulary expands past words like 'suck' and 'crap'.
I don't read as much as I would like to because I have no self control. I can't stop. Then when I'm finished with that book I have withdrawl pains and want another.
I thought I was the only one that would sometimes narrarate my life. After we saw the preview for the movie where that guys hears a voice commenting his life I asked Nate if he ever did that and he thought I was crazy.
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