Sunday, January 22, 2012

On A Sunday

Becca fell asleep soon after church today, but I didn't lay her down right, which meant that she woke up about five minutes after I left her room.  I heard her make a noise, which I thought was a cry, but when I went to go pick her up, it turned out that she had flipped herself over and was facing the other direction and was making out with one of her teddy bears.  She was growling and laughing and having a great time.  Honestly, I've never seen a little girl baby that growls as much as she does. 

 The teddy bear in question is named Tucker.  He's the lighter brown bear that she's almost on top of.  But it doesn't do a lot of good to point him out, because the darker brown bear behind her - see him back there? - is also named Tucker.  We got them when I took her to the emergency room after our car accident last month.  I tried to take her to urgent care, but they wouldn't look at her since she's a baby, so we had to take her in to the emergency room.  The nice gentleman that walked us to our room gave her and Marcus each a teddy bear, and the name on both tags said, "Tucker," so we went with it.  I don't know if they'll remain the Tucker Twins as she gets older, or if she'll someday rename them.

This picture is just to show that cute mole on her left wrist.  You can barely see it, but I noticed it when I uploaded the photos, and I wanted to share.  I love that mole!


NaDell said...

Abby is a growler too! I love when they wake up, play for a minute, and then put themselves back to sleep. That's one of the best reasons to wait until they are sad to get them out of bed.
I love the mole. Cute.

Kimberly said...

She is such a beautiful baby! I am excited to see you guys in a couple of weeks!

Kim-the-girl said...

She really is such a cutie!