Monday, September 20, 2010

Badger Mountain

the view from the top

On Saturday we hiked up Badger Mountain with my brother and his family. It was raining just before we set out, and it sprinkled a little bit while we were out. The rain made it nice and cool, and we had a great time.

When Brian and I were looking for directions to the trail head in case we got seperated from Mike and Tallia, we found this review of Badger Mountain on Yelp, which I thought was hilarious. "In southern California, we live by the mantra: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

It doesnt matter how much you spend on clothes or who designed them, if you are overweight, you are not going to look good. Piercings and tattoos cant make you look better in a bathing suit.

Remember, the only person who prevents you from staying in shape is you. Not a professor, parent or law enforcement officer. You dont need consent and there isnt a minimum score on an entrance exam. Nope. Just YOU vs. YOU. Its sad how many people value 45 minutes of eating over hours of being healthy and looking their best. Life is simply more enjoyable when you feel and look good.

There are four flaws in my argument, however. That mantra is almost true. Guinness, bacon, ice cream and cheese are known exceptions to this.

After moments of weakness (and/or weekend binges) there is a way to recover from your debauchery. Badger Mountain.

This may be the easiest way to burn 700+ calories and tone your core, butt and leg muscles. A one hour investment is all you need.

The cost to transform your body is nothing. Start at Badger Mountain today. Who knows, by summer time, you could be catching the attention of someone you thought was out of your league."

All of the reviews talked about how hiking the mountain made you use muscles in your legs that you didn't know you had, and I can tell you that it's true. I even got a bit of an extra workout carrying Marcus for part of the time.

Most of the group...and my finger

Brian, helping Marcus along when he didn't want to walk


Kimberly Nicole said...

That looks like fun! I can't wait for years down the road when we live there and can do things like that.
How was Portland?

J-Leav said...

I am dying. Badger mountain packaged as the new P90x/Cabbage soup diet? Love it!

Kim-the-girl said...

That's an awesome review!