Thursday, November 05, 2009

Ruffles and Stuff

I stumbled upon a new blog this afternoon. It's called Ruffles and Stuff and it's written by a lady named Disney. This woman is a genius! She buys frumpy clothes at thrift stores and turns them into adorable clothes for herself and her daughter. I've spent the last hour just drooling over each post, thinking, "I want a dress like that" or "Oh, I want to make something like that so bad!" We actually had a very productive morning, but it doesn't look like it, because I let the kids raid the Halloween candy bucket after lunch while I was skimming through post after post, and the dining room looks like a sugared-up tornado blew though. You think I would have noticed Ethan and Marcus coming to me every five seconds, asking, "Mom, could you open this please?" and "Momo! grunt," respectively.

But no, I was too busy looking at things like:

This dress made out of a thrift store skirt

This lamp shade

A scarf made out of a t-shirt

A bolero made from a shirt that had gotten too short for her

This picture, made form an old frame and twigs from her yard

And this cute shirt made out of dollar store thermal underwear

I want to spend a few more hours on her site, getting ideas for ways to make my life more "ruffly," recycled, and pretty, but it's going to have to wait until later. Brian just called to say he's on his way home (early today!) and I have to clean up all the candy wrappers and lunch dishes so it doesn't look like I've been loafing for the past hour and a half.

edited to add: And from her site, I found Wardrobe Refashion, where everyone makes a pledge to recycle and refashion their old clothes, instead of throwing them out and buying new ones. I don't know if I'll be hard core enough to take the challenge, but it would be fun to try. I've actually got a bag of clothes that have been waiting to go to Goodwill for a month or so. I think I'll go take a look at what I can do.


Paula -- CutieFruity said...

Thanks for the site! Now I know where I will spend the remainder of my afternoon! And as for the mad rush--I so do that. 4:30 rolls around and I look around the houise like "WHAT have I DONE all day?!?!" and then make it look like I was soooo productive. Such a sham-artist.

Brooklet said...

I just browsed through it. she is so talented and creative- how does one person have all that creativity in them!!

Kimberly Nicole said...

Yeah! I saw the sweater and hat that she made that was on Skip to my Lou. I check the site out but only for a couple minutes, because that's basically all I had. Cute Stuff!

Disney said...

Wow, goodness! How sweet! I really appreciate all the kind words. You know I only have time to do these things because I have no life, haha! :o)