Sunday, November 08, 2009

Happy Birthday Marcus!

Marcus celebrated his second birthday Friday (and Saturday). For only having one other birthday before, this kid knew exactly what to do. We had a pile of french toast with a candle stuck in the top for breakfast, sang him happy birthday, and the second I set the plate in front of him, he blew out the candle. He was a pro unwrapping presents - definitely a pro at being excited about the presents. Brian's grandma even gave him two loaves of banana bread, which he loves, and he opened them up and screamed, "Nana bud! Nana bud!" and danced around the living room.

He also got a Spiderman boppy thing that he loved even before it was unwrapped, a Fisher Price "cd player," a train track set to supplement Ethan's train track set so they don't keep fighting over the curvy and straight pieces, and a semi-truck car carrier. Between us, grandmas and grandpas, and aunts and uncles, the kid made out pretty well.

He actually took a nap right before his party on Saturday, and then woke up, and went back to sleep, spending the first half hour of his party sleeping on Brian's lap.

He loved his cake. Ethan suggested the dinosaur cake, and he was quite happy with that. He also loved his cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Before I could frost them, he got to one and ate the top off of it. So I frosted that one last, and took some of the leftover frosting from the dinosaur cake to put an "M" on the top of his special, half-eaten cupcake. Then, when I left all of the cupcakes on the counter until the party, with specific instructions to everyone to leave them alone, I found Marcus reaching for globs of frosting from his cupcake, even though it was on the second row from him. I just thought it was hilarious that he left all of the other cupcakes alone.

Marcus is the sweetest little guy. He is still such a cuddler, and he loves to give hugs and kisses. Brian's dad is one of his favorite people. He adores "Bampa" and can even recognize his truck when we're traveling around town. He loves to help me cook. He always pushes a chair into the kitchen so he can stand beside me and help put ingredients in or stir for me. Sometimes he won't give up the spoon for me to have a turn. Oh, he also loves books. He loves to sit and look at the pictures of any book. We are extremely glad to have Marcus in our family!


NaDell said...

That is a very cool cake! Glad he was such a good present opener and even grateful to those who gave presents. So often, kids just rip through everything...
He's such a cute kid. Happy Birthday to Marcus!

Brooklet said...

that is a cool cake! And I love the pictures of Marcus sleeping at his birthday party- so much partying, needs to get his rest up. Happy birthday Marcus.

Shaillé said...

Happy b-day Marcus! And great job on the cake - looks much better than my attempt at a t-rex cake! ;)