Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Yesterday the kids tore apart Alyssa's bed, moved the mattress around the room, folded the mattress in half somehow (permanently bending the springs), pulled on a white string, and kept pulling until the binding around the edges was completely torn off. Brian and I have both looked at the mattress to see if it can be fixed. It is dead. Very, very dead.

So the kids are sleeping on the floor for a while. I was pretty proud of myself for keeping my cool through the whole ordeal, until I called both my mom and mother-in-law to ask, "What the heck do I do with these kids?" There were also some tears shed by the children as they watched me move their beds to the basement. Alyssa said she didn't want to live with our family anymore, that she wanted to go to the orphanage, because she didn't like the way I was treating her. That's when I called Brian's mom, and pretended like I was inquiring about orphanages in the Tri-Cities and did they have any room for a seven year old girl? When I got off the phone, though, she gave me a hug and said she didn't want to leave.

Brian and I talked this morning, and we've decided to make a list of chores that are worth different amounts of money, and all three kids are in charge of raising money to buy a new mattress for Alyssa. Whatever they can raise on their own, we'll match. I want it to take a while, though. I want them to learn that they have to take care of our things, and follow the rules. There are no toys in their bedroom. They are not supposed to be playing in there anyway, and they know that.

Which brings us to my other resolution. I have to be more diligent and stick to the rules in my life, too. Yesterday started out fine, but Brian didn't have to leave for work until around 8:00, so I put off summer school for a while, then summer school got messed up when I found out we weren't registered for K12, and Alyssa had apparently taken the wrong placement test, so we would have to do it again, really fast, then I gave her yet another wrong placement test, since she's really supposed to be in second grade, instead of first, and all craziness broke loose, and after we got all that figured out, I decided to can our routine and work on designing t-shirts for our homeschool. (Our mascot is the jackalope, by the way.) So if I had stuck to our routine, instead of playing on the computer, the kids wouldn't have been left alone upstairs for so long without me checking on them. My new motto is "I'm sticking to it." I'm sticking to our routines, our rules, and I'm definitely not changing my mind when I tell the kids to either do or not do something, and they whine to me about it.

And the kids are now awake, so I've got to finish up and turn off the computer, so we can start our day.


Paula -- CutieFruity said...

love it, love it, love it! I love that you called the "orphanage"! that is my next step. Sarah threatens this all the time. I love that you took away all the beds and that they have to earn back their sister's bed that they destroyed. I love that you miraculously kept your cool. I don't think I could have. I love that you are sticking to your guns. I've been trying to do the same. You rock, Carrie.

Kim-the-girl said...

You totally rock! I cannot believe that 3 little people could do so much damage! Good luck to you and them for earning it back... that sounds like a GREAT plan! And really, you are amazing that you didn't lose your cool. Way to go!

NaDell said...

I SO love that you called your moms. Good idea to make them all sleep on the floor too! It is really hard for kids to learn that you don't just immediately run to the store to replace whatever they wrecked. Good job. Way to be tough!

Cali said...

Oh my! I would not have been able to remain calm; I'm thoroughly in awe of you right now.

I think that you've come up with the best possible consequences. Your kiddos are able to keep their dignity and learn a valuable lesson, the mattress will still get replaced, and they see that they need to treat their belongings with respect.

Do you want to come mother my kids, too?

KellyAnne said...

Good for you :)
SOmetimes it's hard being the mom!

MannClan said...

Just wanted to add in a little of good motherly experience. When they earn the money from the extra work they do, do pay them actual money instead of keeping a tally. This will reinforce the concept that they achieved and were rewarded for their efforts. Then, on the day of the mattress purchase, be sure that they physically hand you the money themselves. There really is something about this that drives the responsibility home, even at a young age. They make a choice and OHH YEAH!! They really are accountable! funny how that works. hehehe

MannClan said...

Just wanted to add in a little of good motherly experience. When they earn the money from the extra work they do, do pay them actual money instead of keeping a tally. This will reinforce the concept that they achieved and were rewarded for their efforts. Then, on the day of the mattress purchase, be sure that they physically hand you the money themselves. There really is something about this that drives the responsibility home, even at a young age. They make a choice and OHH YEAH!! They really are accountable! funny how that works. hehehe