My children are willingly and happily clearing the table, doing the dishes, folding laundry, cleaning up their toys, making their beds, putting their dirty clothes in the laundry basket...the list goes on and on. They're learning the value of work, they're learning that work is really not that bad, and that is has its rewards. I hope that by the time they earn Alyssa's mattress that these things will have become habits for them.
We have each chore listed at a very low value, like 5, 10, or 25 cents, but it's surprising how it adds up each day. Alyssa is finally understanding the concept of money, and how each coin has its own value. Up until now, money has been some vague concept she didn't quite get, even though we've tried to explain it multiple times. This is very exciting!
January 2020
5 years ago
I just can't tell you how awesome that is!
Congratulations!! I need my kids to break a mattress! Hey and sorry I didn't call you while we were in Pasco. Julie got sick so we had a rough last couple of days.
I know, I shouldn't wait until my kids break something before I get them on a chore list. I have been trying to be better at giving Claire assignments since we came back from our vacation- she can be doing a lot more.
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