Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brian Jacks, Schmott Guy

Brian called this morning and said, "Guess which one of your husbands passed Boards?" Now the first question one might ask is, "How many husbands does she have?" and the next, "How many of them took Boards?" The answer to both of those questions is: one.

"Yea! Congratualtions! I knew you'd do great," I started, continuing with, "When did you find out? I'm so proud of you!"

To which Brian said, "It's me, by the way." So how many husbands does he think I have?

So Brian passed Boards! Yea-diddley-yea! He couldn't talk long, because he was getting ready for church, but he did say that there's a few sections in the test, and you don't have to pass all of them in order to pass, but he did pass them all! Yep, that's me bragging. He's a smart guy.


Kim-the-girl said...

Y'all have earned bragging rights! Yippee!

Brooklet said...

That is a big wahoo! Congrats to the whole jacks family!

NaDell said...

Great! I'm glad he's doing so well. Soon, he'll do well in a career, right?

Tonya said...

That is great news. You both have worked so hard. I'm very happy for you guys.

Kimberly Nicole said...

hey! very cool! Congratulations you guys!