Thursday, January 01, 2009

A Bit Full

Usually over the Holidays I eat more than the rest of the year. I eat what I want, I eat more than I should, but I usually don't eat too much. This year, I have eaten and eaten like never before. I've gone to bed each night thinking, I never want to eat another thing in my entire life! and then I wake up the next morning and say, "Wow! Food!" I'm glad all the shindigs are over with, so I can get back to eating better...and less.


Johnsons said...

That's o.k Carrie. Holidays (unfortunately)are food filled. :-)

NaDell said...

Yeah, now we can go back to the rush of school days and regular routine and not having a party every day.

Brooklet said...

I still haven't quite got back on my normal eating schedule- though I better soon!