Friday, April 18, 2008

Explaining It All

* * * Please read the previous post first * * *

It all started about 33 years ago, when my parents were dating. The story goes that my dad proposed seven times, and on the last time my mom said, "If you promise to take me to Disneyland on our honeymoon, then I will marry you." Well, he did, so she did. They went to Disneyland on their honeymoon, and our family has been going ever since.

My mom grew up in California, so when our family moved to Utah and then to Washington, we would travel to California almost every summer to visit her parents and brother and sister. I loved visiting my grandparents. They lived on a dead volcano (on Soda Bay Road) right next to Clear Lake in Kelseyville, California. There were lizards and snakes to play with (which my brothers loved), a lake to swim in (which is why my grandpa called me Mudhole), and stone steps surrounded by eucalyptus trees that lead to the mail boxes (which is why the kids fought over who would retrieve the mail). I loved waking up early in the morning to watch the sun rise over the lake, and sitting and watching The Price is Right in the afternoon with my grandpa. There were always cookies to eat, and there was always a mountain of Shasta pop in the kitchen. Actually, one summer Papa (Grandpa) knocked over the cans of pop and they sprayed black cherry soda all over the kitchen. When my parents and Grandma came home from shopping he said, shaking his head, "Those darn kids, making messes in the kitchen."

When our visits to Soda Bay Road were finished, we would drive around Clear Lake and head East a bit until we reached Interstate 5. At this point, we could either turn North to head home, or turn South to head to Disneyland. During the whole drive to I-5, all of the kids would hold their breath, waiting to see which way Dad would turn. Also, during the whole drive to I-5, Mom would say "Mike, we can't go to Disneyland this year...We don't have the money to go to Disneyland this year...We don't have the time to go to Disneyland this year..." And even though my mom was trying to be the voice of reason, even she rejoiced whenever Dad turned South.

And, of course, every time we went to Disneyland we had the time of our lives. We always went on the train first. I remember hiding my eyes in my mom's arm pit when I was afraid on the Haunted Mansion. On my first time on Space Mountain, I was sitting with my sister, Christina. I was a little overwhelmed, so I kept saying, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh..." and Christina told me that saying "Oh my gosh" sounded too much like taking the Lord's name in vain, and I should say, "Oh my goodness," or "Oh my golly," instead. I remember when I was finally old enough to go around with my older brothers and sisters, instead of having to stay with my parents. And I remember when they built Splash Mountain and they had a special on the Disney Channel of Earnest being the first person to ride it. We were so excited to go to Disneyland after seeing that.

When I was a sophomore in high school, the band and choir went to Disneyland. I had so much fun going with my friends and playing with the band in Carnation Something between Fantasy Land and Frontier Land. This trip held some memorable moments: buying my first of many stuffed animal monkeys, almost starving to death when the band bus was detained and then had to go last to dinner at Medieval Times (even though the choir had been sitting at the hotel all afternoon, eating, while the band was just stuck - on - the bus), holding hands with a boy for the first time (I didn't like the boy, I didn't want to hold his hand, and the minute I was able to let go I made sure my hands were occupied -in my pockets, holding my backpack, you name it - for the rest of the time), and laughing historically for 45 minutes for no reason at all in the airport on the way home.

See? With all these fabulous memories of Disneyland, how can I not love Disneyland? It doesn't help my obsession that when we went last year for the first time as a family, that we had the most magical time ever. It just makes me want to go back. Again and again.


J-Leav said...

Carrie- you mean to tell me you were not hot for Nick? Parish the thought! They are supposedly going to build a super train between disneyland and las vegas...we'll have to vacation as a family if that happens (and even if it doesn't)!

Tonya said...

I've never been to Disneyland but have always wanted to go. It's so neat that you have such a aweet connection to it. I sure hope you get to go.

I remember a talk you gave in church right before you guys were leaving to go and how you were so excited that you mentioned it in your

Kimberly Nicole said...

awww, thank you Carrie , for reminding me that i need go. i have been tossed up in if i should or not since i'll be mising so much school, and practice time right before solo night, but this summed up all of the feelings that I have... I just have one more thing to say, I'm homesick for Disneyland.

OH! I told Dave Matern (the guy i take trombone lessons with) and he played trombone at disneyland! he played in the parade on a float, he played in the streets, isn't that cool!

Carrie said...

Jamie! You read my blog! Speak up more - I miss you.

Tonya, you have to go sometime! You would love it!

Yeah Kim, when you called Mom to say you might not be going, I was baffled. Kim?!? Not going?!?!! I'm glad you're coming to your senses. School, practice...they're not as important as Disneyland. (kidding...kind of)

Anonymous said...

"oh my golly?" that sounds like dad, not me! :)

Brooklet said...

mmm, so that explains it. I haven't really understood why you were so passionate about it, but now I can see why.

And nick who? Skeif?

I have only been once to disneyland- it was when I was 16, I went with the calloways to help babysit. It was fun, maybe it would be more fun if I was younger.

We are going to Disney World in a couple of weeks, Claire is super excited, even though she doesn't really know what it is. I am mostly excited to see her excited. Fun stuff.

Carrie said...

Wow, Brooke! I'm excited for you! Yes, Nick Sief. Have you not heard that story? I could have sworn Kim Wallen told it a bazillion times. "We had to hurry...and then when we stopped running..Oh my gosh! Carrie and Nick are holding hands!" Yeah.