Monday, January 28, 2008

A Job Extremely Well Done

Last night we found out that President Hinckley passed away peacefully at home, with his family around him. It didn't surprise me, because he's been warning us that it was going to happen eventually at nearly every General Conference for the last few years.

He was such a great man. He became the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when I was in high school, and he was the first prophet that I really paid attention to. I grew up with him as the prophet and there were so many times that his counsel for the church helped me through hard times or to correct bad decisions. His excitement for the Gospel made me also excited to be a member of this church.

I remember when I was at BYU and he came to speak at a fireside. The Marriot Center was absolutely full, and beforehand people were talking and walking around, finding seats. It was so noisy. But the minute he entered the room, a hush fell over all of us and we respectfully stood and sang "We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet" while he made it to his seat. The feeling that he was a true prophet of God just filled the air of that huge building. We loved him so much, and we could feel the Spirit testify off his love for us and for all of the church, and of the love Heavenly Father has for His children to anoint prophets to guide us in these days.

While reading through the article on the LDS website, I was impressed by how much President Hinckley accomplished during his service. I knew he was busy and that he got a lot done, but to be reminded of all the temples built, the perpetual education fund being started, the building of the Conference Center, and so many other things. It's amazing. He had so much energy!

I'm not sad that he's gone though. He had a long and full life; he must have been tired. Sometimes during General Conference he would hint, and even flat-out say that he missed his wife since she died a few years ago. They must have had such a happy reunion last night. And it must have been wonderful for him to be reunited with our Heavenly Father and be congratulated for all the wonderful things he's accomplished and for all the millions of people that he's uplifted and helped during his time on the earth.


Kim-the-girl said...

I couldn't agree more! But, I am sad...not for him, just for me. I will really miss him.

Cali said...

Thanks Carrie. He truly was a wonderful man--and I'm sure he's just as busy now as he ever was. What a wonderful example we will always have to look to.

Kimberly Nicole said...

Very beautiful, Carrie. I am sad too. I was just telling my friend my feelings for Pres Hinckley that very day and then five hours later to hear the news, it brought sadness to my heart to think that he was gone. Then my friend reminded me that he was probably doing "a happy dance" since he was with his wife and our Father. It made me smile to think of Pres. Hinckley dancing for joy. I'm sure he is. :-)

Brooklet said...

That was beautifully said. Thanks for your testimony. I am happy for President Hinckley- he lived a good life and now he is with his wife.