Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Kindergarten, Here We Come!

Today was Alyssa's very first day of school! Today we just went in to meet her teacher and get acquainted with where everything is. Alyssa had a great time! We filled out her "Mom will pick me up" card, got her picture taken, painted a picture, and took a self-guided tour of the school. When we were done with the tour, I asked if she could find her classroom all by herself, and she did great!

Alyssa's already made a friend. She's so friendly and outgoing, that I'm not surprised. She started talking to a little girl named Brittany while she was painting, and they hung out together the rest of the time. She had so much fun that she said she didn't want to wait until tomorrow to come back. I think Alyssa's going to have a fabulous school year!


Kim-the-girl said...

What an exciting time! Bryant is beside himself that all his friends are starting kindergarten. He can hardly wait-I don't know how we'll survive the next year without it. I'm so happy for Alyssa, she's going to be great!

Clement Family said...

Yeah!!!!She looks so cute and sure of herself. They grow up so fast.

Tonya said...

She looks so cute and I love the picture by the sign. I have no doubt that she'll do great this year. Blake won't be 5 until November so he missed the boat this year which I think will be a good thing for him. Go Alyssa!!

Shaillé said...

Yeah for Alyssa! Tell her we're so excited for her! :)

Brooklet said...

WOW! I cannot believe Alyssa is starting kindergarten!! Didn't I just come to visit your apartment at Wymount and she was just a new born?