Thursday, June 07, 2007

Gock = Truck

I believe we have Ethan's first official word! When he was about seven or eight months old, he said "Atha" for Alyssa for about a week, but then he stopped. He says "Mamamama," and "Dadadada" all the time, but it doesn't always correspond to Brian or me. He babbles sometimes, but most of the time he points and grunts. While we're not concerned about his growth and develpoment, this is very frustrating to parents who have a little girl who was saying, "book" at nine months and correctly pointing out and saying "octogon" at about fourteen months.

Needless to say, I was absolutely thrilled when he pointed out the window this morning and said "Gock!" when the garbage truck went by. I wondered if it was real, because I couldn't get him to say it again, but then later this morning he pointed out the window and said, "Gock" again. It looks like the boy might finally start talking!


Brooklet said...

Hurray for Gock!

senkyoshi said...

Oh, that's so fun! Asher has one word "Dah" which means thank you. I don't quite see how he got that, but at least I know what he's saying :-)

Shaillé said...

That's great! It's funny how each child is so different in development and personality. Casey was a late talker but Matthew has been such an early talker. He's setting a high standard for his future siblings... ;)