A little background first:
Brian is a night owl, and I am an early bird. Brian can stay up almost all night and feel fine in the morning. The nights that I convince him to come to bed with me, he says he just lays there for a couple of hours before falling asleep. I usually go to bed around nine--ten at the latest. When I wake up in the morning, I feel great and refreshed, and I love getting up early so I have a couple of hours to myself before the kids are awake.
Last night after putting the kids to bed, Brian and I played a couple rounds of Rummikub. Brian won both times, although I only had one tile left at the end of the second game. It was so much fun to play games together. At 9:30 Brian said, "We should stay up until midnight, so we can be the first to make out on Valentine's Day." He was joking, of course, so I just laughed it off. "You could have done it when we were dating." Yeah, well, when we were dating we didn't sleep and wake up together. I had to stay up until midnight to get my maximum Brian Hours. I didn't think I could make it to midnight, but if that was a challenge, I would accept it.
"What about all the single college kids that are currently making out as we speak? Surely they'll still be going at midnight."
"It doesn't count," Brian said. "You have to start on Valentine's Day." Okay, so the goal was to stay up until midnight. It was 9:30. I could stay up for another two and a half hours. So we started playing games on the computer. At 10:30 I was having serious trouble keeping my eyes open. I knew that if I stayed sitting in that chair I would soon topple over, asleep.
I wimped out and went to bed. I hit the pillow and was asleep in under three seconds. Pathetic? I know. I can't even stay up until midnight. I slept great, though. Last night was the first night that I didn't even hear Ethan all night long! I didn't wake up until the alarm went off at 5:00. While I had been so sleepy the night before, as I turned the alarm off, I was wide awake and ready to go.
It was a good thing I wasn't sleepy and stumbling around, because then I would have missed the beautiful bouquet of roses that my night owl set out before he came to bed. Maybe, just maybe, if I take a nap this afternoon and try real hard tonight, I can stay up long enough and plan some kisses just right so Brian and I can be the last couple to make out on Valentine's Day.
January 2020
5 years ago
1 comment:
Thats a cute valentines story. But you are so totally opposite me. I am a night owl, I stay up until 11 or 12 everynight and sleep in. When you talk about getting up at 5?? Yikes!!!!! But I do envy and admire that trait about that.
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