Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Grapes, Grapes, Grapes

note:  I am normally adverse to the word, "butt," but when you need a word paired with, "crack," I do believe there is no other option.  "Bum crack" just doesn't have the same kick.

 On Monday Erin brought over 200 pounds of concord grapes, which we turned into juice and then turned some of that into jelly.  You might think I'm exaggerating when I say 200 pounds, but I promise I'm not.  she brought a lot of grapes.  I guess one of her neighbors had to pick them real fast because of the frost.  We didn't use them all, mostly because after a full day of juicing, we were all graped out. 
the beautiful and slightly sarcastic Megan
the lovely and/or demonic Erin
Kenna and Emma singing and playing the piano

We don't know why, but Asher, who is as boy as boys can be, loves that yellow tutu.
In other news:

1. I gave a talk in sacrament meeting on Sunday.  It turned out to be a great talk.  At the very least, I learned a lot preparing for it.  A lot of people from the congregation told me I did a good job.  The people behind the pulpit though...had a different view of my talk.  You see, Brian told me after church that my dress was stuck, not only in my butt crack, but under my cheeks as well.  I've seen people before that have had their dresses stuck in their cracks, and I've wondered, "How could they not know that it's there?  Why don't they just pull it out?"  Well, in this case, I was wearing my one piece garments, and sometimes when I stand up, they get a little stuck.  (Don't complain about too much information, this whole paragraph is all about too much information.)  When that happens, I give a little tug on the leg, and everything is fine.  While I was speaking, I could feel it in there, but I assumed that it was just my underwear, and since I was concentrating on my talk, I decided to deal with it afterward.  I never dreamed that it was both my underwear and my dress.

2. Marcus' birthday was last week.  I made a big round cake for a Beyblade stadium, and we put two "beys" (as the kids call them) on top for his present. 


Brooklet said...

Your butt crack story was cracking me up! Glad you have a sense of humor about it!

And I was literally 20 minutes ago telling Claire that the worst chore I ever had to do was canning grapes growing up. We had to pick them, deal with bees and bugs, then wash them (which was the worst part, because earwigs and spiders floated up to the top, and you felt like bugs were constantly crawling on you), then we had a bazillion fruit flys in our house for two weeks. After I told her the story I realized I don't make my kids work hard enough.

Kim-the-girl said...

I've done a lot of canning... but never any grapes! I agree with Brooklet, I don't make my kids work hard enough either! Your stories are, as always, hilarious!

Kimberly said...

I love it! When we were on our honeymoon - about 3 days after I had gone through the temple, we had gone to the Seattle Temple. After getting dress back into my regular church clothes, I went to use the bathroom. Little did I know that my dress and the lining of my dress was tucked into the back top of my bottom garments. I walked out of the girls bathroom exposing my back side and a lady about your age and i'm assuming her two brothers about David's age were sitting on a bench. The girl told me about it, but it was a few moments. I probably wouldn't had noticed since I wasn't use to wearing garments and I had felt that my legs were covered so it didn't occur to me to check the back of my dress.

I was embarrassed - but then I realized I was in Seattle and I probably wouldn't see them again... until we walked in the distribution center about 5 minutes later and there they were in line next to me!

Needless to say, now I always check the back of my dress after using the bathroom.

J-Leav said...

Ha! How did you get sold on the idea of the one piece?!