Monday, August 01, 2011

Action Shots

Alyssa started soccer through the YMCA this summer, and she loved it.  She loved it so much that we've already signed her up for both Fall and Spring sessions through the Tri-Cities Youth Soccer Association.  Her team was called the Blue Sharks, and she loved their shirts, because turquoise is her favorite color.  It was also fun for her, because all the Pasco teams were full, so we put her on a Richland team, and one of her friends from our old ward was on the team, too.  They had a great time!

 (Alyssa's the one on the ground.)

This is what the boys thought of Alyssa's soccer games.  During the practices I let them play on the playground, but during the games we sat on the sidelines.  They both are laying there, moaning, "It's so hot!"

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

WOw. She just looks so grown up! I can't get over it. She'll probably always be that busy, busy 4 year old girl talking away during preschool to me. :)