Wednesday, July 06, 2011


There is one person who keeps checking my blog, noticing the lack of updates, and then pestering me endlessly about posting again.  This person is my husband.  Going to bed at night:  "Let's see, has the blog been updated yet?  Nope.  Still the same..."  Yes, it does make me feel a little guilty, especially since I didn't intend to go a month without posting.  So here's a summary of the month of June:

 Alyssa had her Spring ballet recital.  She did fabulous!

The stereo was stolen from our van one night, and the kids and I discovered it when we were headed to the spray park the next afternoon.  I called in to report it, and the kids decided to patrol and guard our driveway while we waited for the police to come.

We went to Brian's parent's cabin to go mushrooming.  It was wet and rainy, but we had a lot of fun.  It was Sadie's first trip to the woods, and she loved it.  Everyone found mushrooms, even the boys.  Brian seemed to find the most, and the hardest ones to find.  I enjoyed mushrooming, but my favorite parts of the trip were the two glorious naps I was able to take.  It was wonderful!

[camping pictures go here - soon]

The next weekend we went camping at Mt. Rainier.  In past years we've been to Ohanapecosh on the East side of the mountain, but this year we needed a group site, so we went to Cougar Rock on the West side.  It's been a cold Spring, so as we drove to our campsite, we passed ten to fifteen foot walls of snow on each side of the road.  Brian had the GPS and kept saying that we were getting closer, and I kept thinking, "What did I get ourselves into?!?"  Luckily, after driving up the mountain, we drove back down for a bit and the snow disappeared.  It wasn't the warmest camping trip we've done, but it was still a lot of fun.  And boy, did it rain.  It was mostly sunny in the mornings, but from afternoon on, it was like buckets and buckets of rain.

We went with my parents, my two sisters (so the Johnsons and the McCanns), and the Baughs.  Our group site was set back away from everyone else, so it was nice and private, and the kids enjoyed running around together.  We hiked up to Carter Falls, went to a visitors center and museum, and spent lots of time sitting around the fire.

I haven't taken any pictures since camping.  Nothing of the 4th of July - sorry.  Brian's sister came in to town last week, and we've been having fun visiting with them, but we're also trying to give everyone in Brian's family a little space, because Brian's dad also had his gall bladder removed last week.  I've been spending most of my time cleaning the house and getting everything ready for the baby to come.  Eleven more days until my due date!  The nausea got pretty bad a couple weeks ago, right about thirty seven weeks, and I was ready to demand an induction, but of course, it was too soon.  Now that I'm closer to my due date, the nausea isn't as bad, and I'm trying to wait patiently.  Right now I'm just to the point where I'm so dang excited to meet this little one.  Not too much longer, though.

The 4th of July was fun.  We had a family dinner at Brian's parent's house on the third, then a barbecue at my parent's house on the fourth.  We walked down to Gesa Stadium to watch the fireworks.  We got there at 9:55, found the perfect spot (don't know why people haven't caught on to it yet), fireworks started at 10:00, and Marcus was asleep by 10:07ish.  He did warn us, though.  He kept trying to bring his pillow, saying, "I'm going to sleep there."  He was right - he must have been one tired kid.


Kim-the-girl said...

Great update! Keep having fun, that's what really matters. Blog or no blog.

Good luck with the baby! I can't believe your due date is so close... that just flew by for me. :)

NaDell said...

She did a great job on her dance!
Glad you had fun camping.
Gallbladder surgery hurts! Hope he feels better soon.

Cam said...

Maybe the next post will be about your new baby girl! Best of luck with this last little while of pregnancy.