Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What Did Your Amazing Husband Do This Weekend?

My amazing husband put in the edging stones around the flower bed, added some sprinklers, and laid down a path from the porch to the kids' playground.  I keep going to the backyard just to see what a great job he did.  See how level and perfect that path is?  I love it, and I can't wait until the filler between the stones sets up enough that we can walk on it. I might look for excuses to walk to the playground.  Up next: putting down the ground cover, planting a snowball bush, some lavender, and tomatoes, then covering it all with mulch.


Kim-the-girl said...

My husband was equally awesome this weekend. :) Looks good!

Cam said...

Your yard is looking great! Ours is dirts, rocks and weeds. Can't wait till we can get started too! Don't you just love being in your own house and making it a home?

Kimberly Nicole said...

That is so cool! Looks really nice Brian!