Monday, February 15, 2010


Just having a bit of a blah afternoon. Going to make some cookies to liven things up. I'll let you know how they turn out.*

(found through blog surfing about homeschooling at

1 stick butter, softened but not melted
1/2 cup shortening
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 eggs
2 tablespoons (yes, tablespoons) vanilla
3 1/4 cups flour (a full cup more than the recipe on the package calls for)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 12-ounce package semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375*

Mix thoroughly butter, shortening, sugars, eggs and vanilla with a wooden spoon. Stir in remaining ingredients.

The batter will be stiff, and it should be. Just to make sure it is flavorful, you should try some of the dough. But not too much!

Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls 2 inches apart on an ungreased baking sheet (preferably a shiny sheet which gives better results).

Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until light brown. Cool slightly before removing to a wire rack.

Yield: about 5 dozen normal sized cookies or 3 1/2 dozen ginormous cookies.

*Scratch that! We only have half a stick of butter, and I'm not going to replace it with margarine. I don't want to judge a new recipe when I'm not using the right ingredients. Ethan and I are now making cake truffles, which I heard about from my little sister, Kim. (She likes to be called Kim or Kimberly now, but we all know her real name is Kimmy.) The recipe she gave me was this: make a cake and crumble it up, mix the crumbles with frosting and roll into balls, stick the balls in the fridge for a while, then dip them in chocolate. We have a white cake in the oven, and we're going to mix it with strawberry frosting. Once again, I'll let you know how they turn out. (And can't you tell that my mood is already improving? Baking a cake will do that.)

Edited to Add - the cake truffles didn't turn out too great. I think I used too much frosting, plus I think the chocolate cake, chocolate frosting combination Kim told me about would have been better than white and strawberry. I made the cookies the next day with margarine spread, because I couldn't wait until I went to the store for butter, and they turned out great. Not the best dough for snitching, but once they cooked up, they were fabulous!


Kimberly Nicole said...

ooo, yum! strawberry frosting sounds good! I have also heard of making german chocolate ones putting some coconut in with the frosting (or just using a can with the coconut in them) but I don't like coconut, so I would just make them for brian because he loves german chocolate!

P.S. i don't really care what i am called... well, meaning, Kim, Kimberly, or Kimmy. It's funny because Brian met me when I was in the stage of wanting Kimberly, so everyone calls me Kimberly now, which makes it nice when I come home and here Kim. :-) a variety is nice :-)

Brian said...

Don't worry - you'll always be "Kim-Bo" to me... (As in, "Kim-Bo - watch out for the stairs!")

Kim-the-girl said...

My cousin in law calls them eloquently, "balls" and she loves the reaction she gets when she takes them to parties. That combo does sound yummy!

As another Kim, I have to voice my opinion that Kimmy will always and forever be Kimmy Gubler (was that her last name?) from Full House and therefore the worst nickname possible for me! :) But I loved your little note in the post, made me giggle.

J-Leav said...

Kimmy wants to be Kimberly now? How diva-esque! :)

Brooklet said...

Sorry, once Kimmy, always kimmy. That's just the way it has to be...

And I think baking always makes a blah day into a great day.