A little while ago I went to Costco and was really tempted to buy an All American Chocolate Cake for no reason at all. Being the practical* person that I am, I didn't buy it, but I ended up wishing that I had bought it the entire drive home. A little less of a while ago, I went to Costco again, and the first thing I did was head back to the bakery section a plop a huge chocolate cake in my cart. Then I added toilet paper and napkins and some other boring stuff. Even though I shared the cake with my family, I ended up eating so much of it over the next few days that I became absolutely sick of chocolate cake. I know, I didn't think it was possible, either. So I wrapped up the last piece of cake and put it in the freezer for a later date, telling myself that I would only eat it if it was truly necessary, and I did a good job of leaving it alone.
Yesterday Alyssa woke up not feeling well, so we kept her home from school and she and the boys watched movies all day long. Around lunch time, my stomach started hurting, too, and my head began to ache. So while Brian was getting showered and packed to head to Portland, Marcus and I went to Blockbuster to get some movies for a Sick People's Movie Party.
We got "Tale of Despereaux," "Bedtime Stories,"and "Penelope," and we watched the first two after we sent Brian on his way for the very last round of Boards, which he is taking right now, as I type, and I'm sure he's doing fabulous. We pulled Alyssa's mattress downstairs for the kids to lay on, but it just became a trampoline for the boys to jump on. We got out some crackers and graham cracker type cookies to eat, but they just became confetti for the boys to scatter about the room.
It was a little crazy with the boys climbing all over Alyssa and me, and jumping from the couch to the mattress, and back again, but overall it was a great time, and we loved both movies. I didn't know anything about "Tale of Despereaux" so I didn't have any preconcieved notions about it, but I thought it was so much better than I thought it was going to be. If that makes any sense. And my favorite part of "Bedtime Stories" is the line "...jumping up and down on the aligator..." - so funny. I laughed so hard, and it hurt my already sore throat.
Anyway, Alyssa and I were going to watch "Penelope" for Girls Night, but she fell asleep while I was getting the boys in bed, so I watched it myself while eating the huge piece of All American Chocolate Cake from the freezer. That was a good movie, such a good movie. I loved it. I want to dress like Penelope. Then Alyssa woke up around midnight to go to the bathroom, and she started heading downstairs for Girls Night.
"Alyssa, where are you going?" I asked, directing her back to her bedroom.
"To Girls Night. The boys are asleep."
"But you fell asleep, too. We missed Girls Night. We'll have it tomorrow."
"I didn't fall asleep," she argued, and no matter how I tried to convince her, she didn't believe me. I was able to get her back to bed, though, and then I went to bed myself.
We're all feeling better today. I still have a headache and sore throat, but it's manageable, and Alyssa seems to be feeling fine. The kids have already watched "Bedtime Stories" twice this morning while I've been getting some laundry done. (jumping up and down on the alligator - ha!) Brian's got about an hour left of his test, and then he has nothing to worry about when it comes to school and tests. Woo-hoo!
*If you want to know how practical I am, ask Brian how many times he's had to tell me, "We don't have to go to Disneyland every year," over the last couple of weeks.
January 2020
5 years ago
I watched a funny one this week. It was Geppeto about Pinocchio's dad. Drew Carey is the main character, but the best line comes from Pinocchio. He woke up and Geppeto asked him how he slept and he replied, "I slept like a log." HA HA.
(They have it at the library, well, as soon as I return it today, they will)
So not fun to be sick, but how fun to have a movie watching party while you're sick! What a fun idea!
I'm glad that our husbands have finished with boards--what a relief! Enjoy your weekend with Brian.
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