Thursday, April 30, 2009

One Little Monkey Jumping On The Bed

Ethan has been having a heck of a time going to sleep lately. He's up and down, and bouncing around his bed. He's making it difficult to get Marcus to sleep, and a couple of times he's even woken Marcus up after he's fallen asleep. He hollers for a book or a toy or to be tucked in again after I've gone down the stairs and settled into the computer chair to talk to Brian. He says he needs to "oh ooh a bashroom" even though he's not potty trained, and there's been a couple of times that I've found him in the bathroom, dancing around, naked. Then he gets mad at me when I try to put him back in bed.

About a week ago, when he got in trouble for something really bad (although I don't remember what it was) and I said, "Ethan Daniel Jacks..." he said, "I not Ethan El Acks. I just Ethan, Mommy."

But tonight, when I said, "Ethan Daniel Jacks, you had better get back up to bed right now," he knew exactly who I was talking to.

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