Friday, August 01, 2008

Oh My Gosh - This Poor Kid

So yesterday I was being lazy on the computer, and the kids were having a great time in their bedroom. Alyssa and Ethan were playing fort with the bunk bed, and Marcus was laughing right along with them. All of a sudden I heard Marcus screaming, so I ran into their room, saying, "What happened to Marcus?" The only problem was that I didn't see Marcus, and he had stopped crying for a moment, so I didn't hear Marcus either.

I ran downstairs, yelling, "Marcus! Marcus!" and wondering how I could let my baby disappear like that. Crazy scenarios were running through my mind: the kids left the back door open and he crawled off the deck, he crawled to the bathroom and climbed into the toilet. Well, he wasn't downstairs, so I ran back up and asked Alyssa, "Where's Marcus?"

"Right here," she said, and I found him on the floor in their bedroom, being sad, but not crying or screaming. I picked him up, and I noticed flecks of blood all over the right side of his face. After washing him up, I just found one little cut on his cheek, but then about an hour later, a lot of other little cuts showed up all over his face.

When I rescued him from whatever it was that attacked him, I looked around the room, and there was nothing harmful in the area, so I really don't know what he could have done. My only guess is that we have a foot scrubber the same size as the accumulative injuries, and maybe he wacked himself in the head with it? I have no idea. I'm also wondering how I didn't see him when I went to rescue him. I have no idea how that happened.

Obviously, he's okay. His face looks much better this morning. Half the cuts have healed already, if that's even possible. I can't believe this kid. I think he's going to be our injury kid. He's been to the emergency room twice. He's swallowed chunks of tin foil. And he's not even a year old! I think we ought to take out some seriously great health insurance on this guy, because if things continue as they've gone so far, we'll need it.


Brooklet said...

Oh, don't you hate it when they get hurt! It is so sad, but then they are happy as larks a little bit later. That is a wierd pattern of cuts- glad he is healing up fast.

5dollarFanatic said...

Oh-I would have been so anxious as well. I am glad that he is okay and nothing worse happened. He doesn't look that sad in the picture-which shows what a little toughy he is.