Sunday, July 13, 2008

La La La, I'm Not Doing Very Well With Titles Lately

Something very bad happened today, which I may or may not blog about in a future post. It's not anything too serious, like any one getting sick or hurt or anything, but it's certainly not a good thing. But two very good things happened today also, and I definitely want to blog about them.

I have been tired lately. Tired and cranky. Yesterday Brian offered to take the kids out of the house so I could take a nap, but it just didn't work out. So today after sacrament meeting, Brian took Marcus from me and told me to go home and take a nap. I did. And it was wonderful.

And the next wonderful thing is that Cali Hawkins brought over a loaf of homemade wheat bread. I don't know why she was baking in this heat, but I'm glad she did. We haven't seen the Hawkins all summer, so it was so nice to chat with her for a few minutes. And the bread is delicious. She brought it over while it was still warm, so when I cut off a slice (the ends are my favorite) and buttered it, it melted the butter just perfectly. Ooh, and it was yummy.


Cali said...

I don't know why I was baking in this heat either! But I'm glad hat you enjoyed it!

Kim-the-girl said...

Sounds yummy! How nice...of Cali and Brian!

Barney Family Blog said...

Wow! A nap and homemade bread! That sounds like a best kind of day! So I looked though all my paint cans and could not find the color. The previous owners before us painted it so sorry. However I did find a really nice light tan color I painted the in our bathroom. It's Valspar Oregon Coast, (I love the name too). I hope that helps.