Thursday, November 08, 2007


Marcus Christopher Jacks
November 6, 2007
8 lbs 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches


kate n. said...

It just doesn't get any sweeter than that! He's beautiful.

Shaillé said...

Yay, congratulations!!! Let us know when you're up for visitors! :)

Cam said...

congratulations, I've been waiting to hear the good news. Did everything go well?

J-Leav said...

Another beautiful child for the Jacks family. Congratulations!

Tonya said...

Awww, he's adorable. Congratulations!!

Brooklet said...

He is beautiful- I think he looks like a lewis. Congratulations- I am so glad everything turned out so well.

Clement Family said...


Katie B.C. said...

He's a good looking newborn! That doesn't always happen! I think that he has your lips.

tharker said...

Congratulations Carrie! Marcus is a beautiful little boy.

Shells said...

Good Job creating such a cute little boy. Good luck with those newborn days, of course this is your third and your a pro at it by now. Wow, three kids.

Terra said...

Congrats! I how all goes well adjusting to baby number three!